Order your copy of 9Stax Card Game now!!

November 14, 2023 – Wow, it’s been a while since I’ve had the opportunity to update any news on this site. Things have been busy but I’m pleased to say that 9Stax is now available on Amazon for those who might prefer that purchasing option. You can click here (9Stax Card Game) to go to the Amazon listing. Of course, you can always purchase the game on this webpage!
August 6, 2023 – Sales have begun and games began to be shipped a week ago! It is really exciting to see the game starting to sell. We are currently working on a game play video which will be uploaded to this website as soon as it is complete. If you know people who might enjoy playing 9Stax, please let them know about this website and that you can now get your copy!
July 11, 2023 – The ship has arrived at the port of Long Beach and is waiting to be unloaded! It will be a little while longer as we arrange for a freight service to bring the games to Montana but we are getting close. We’ve opened the purchase portion of the website and you can get $5 off your copy of 9Stax if you order in the next few weeks.
June 6, 2023 – The cargo ship left India on May 26. They have several stops but the estimated time of arrival is July 1st. It won’t be long now and we can begin fulfilling orders. Watch for a purchase option on this website. As mentioned before, we plan to offer a discount for those who order before the shipment arrives!
April 30, 2023 – The games have finished production in India! They will go onto a boat in the next week or so and be on their way to the U.S. I don’t have a timeline yet for their arrival but it’s getting closer. I posted photos of the retail version and expansion pack below. These photos have a few more components displayed than come with the actual game. This is to show the front and back or for balance in the photo. We hope to do a pre-sale of the games and will probably offer a discount to anyone who buys a game prior to their arrival. We’ll start sending them out as soon as we get them.

April 5, 2023 – My test games arrived this weekend! They are not exactly like the retail version being produced right now but they are very close. I am hoping to get these games out to game reviewers and begin building some positive reviews online. I took all the game components out of one test game and got a photo of everything that will be provided in the retail version.

The differences you will see in the retail version are as follows: 1) The box will be slightly smaller. This manufacturer did not offer custom sizes so this box is a little bigger. 2) The number discs will be 1.5″ in diameter, these are 1.2″. 3) The instruction booklet will be more of a square format instead of a taller, rectangle. 4) The direction of play disc will be 3″ in diameter instead of 2.5″. These different sizes were necessary for the options which were available from the company that printed these test games. Overall, the changes will be minor and the set above will be very similar to the retail version.
March 20, 2023 – The manufacturing order went in today! They estimate 4 weeks for production and then the games will go into a shipping container and loaded on a ship. We should see the shipment about 6-8 weeks later. We will probably have some games shipped by air so that those who are the first to preorder games can get their copies earlier. Go to our preorder form above to reserve your copy today!
I have several 9Stax games being produced right now, promotional purposes, and I will be able to get additional photos, videos of game play, and other informational materials posted soon.
March 14, 2023 – The design phase is complete and we are ready for production. I am working with two different manufacturers to find the best option for getting games into production. My goal is to have games ready by early summer. A standard 9Stax game contains 200 game cards, 36 numbered discs which show the numbers 1-9 in four different colors, 4 immunity tiles, a direction of play disc and the instruction booklet. I will be adding an option to this page to preorder games so that they can be shipped as soon as I receive them. If you are interested in a game, you can fill out a form that will allow me to contact you to complete your order when games become available.
Along with this first production run, we will also be printing a limited number of expansion pack games which will allow you to play with up to 6 players. The expansion pack contains an additional 50 game cards, 2 sets of numbered discs and 2 more immunity tiles. We have play tested the game with 2 – 6 players and the 6 player version is quite enjoyable. The extra players allow you many more options for using strategy or dosing out mischief to your opponents.
About the Game
9Stax involves 9 stacks of 4 cards and the goal is to eliminate all the cards from every stack.
What People Say…
“Easy to learn and hard to master. 9Stax keeps me on my toes and won’t let me zone out like so many other party games. Strategy and fortune have equal pull in this
game, which is why I love it!”
– Michael G., Virginia
Order games
We’re eager to bring this game to homes all across America. We invite you to come help us achieve this!